Follow Your Creative Path
You are creative! Find and follow your creative path at shamrock studio. I've been teaching art K-12 for 30 years in public, charter, parochial and homeschools. Nurturing creativity is my favorite thing to do so you can trust me to be your guide, especially if you're lost in adultville! We are all born with varying amounts of artistic talent but creativity is inherent in all children and must be intentionally developed. Create artwork that is meaningful to you and your personal style of art will emerge. even if you've been standing still, the path is still under your feet. Follow the stepping stones below; or jump around, or skip stones if you want, to move forward on your own creative path.
What is your motto?
A motto is a short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution. Words are powerful. Do what you love, Love what you do, is my professional motto. I love teaching. I also have a personal motto. What is yours? Create a work of textual art that proclaims your motto. choose the size, dimension or media that represents you best. will it be the size of a postage stamp or your garage door? into textiles? you might embroider your motto. If you're an installation artist you may be be writing yours with a string of lights. Perhaps you'll bend yours out of wire or paint it on a lampshade. This one is painted on burlap adhered to a wooden canvas. Sky's the limit. Your feet are still on the ground. Take a step.
What do you love to do?
Be honest. Dig deep if you need to. Define what you LOVE to do. It may help to answer the following question; If you didn't have anything you HAVE to do and you could do anything you WANT to do....what would you do? Now create what that looks like or what it feels like with the goal of knowing what it IS like. Don't just dip your toes in and make room for IT in your life, march towards it and make it your life. choose your media. Images are powerful. Make IT happen.